Italy - 76.24


The leech of the European Union

Perhaps the biggest problem that modern Italy faces is corruption. Italy is more corrupt than the world average and was outscored by developing nations like Morocco and Senegal. Italian bureaucracy is infamous for its near-constant shakedowns and police are known to extort people in certain parts of the country. It is virtually impossible to obtain any services in the country without feeding the graft that cripples every level of the Italian government. Italy’s economy, too, has been floundering. Although not reflected due to quirks in this year’s scoring system, the Italian economy is one of the most fragile and volatile in the European Union. The Italian debt crisis has been a major source of political contention in Italy and has strained relations with its EU allies. Italy has also experienced increasing political division in recent years, making rectifying the country’s economic situation worse. Another issue that has drawn attention recently is the Italian government’s relationship with the Catholic church, which has pushed for certain repressive laws in recent years. Although the mafia as a concept has been highly dramatized and exaggerated, real organized crime still exists in Italy and interferes with the lives of everyday people in some areas.

Human Rights - 78

Italy has fully abolished the death penalty. Migrants from Africa are held in poor conditions in detention centers near the border. Migrants in quarantine in these detention centers lacked adequate access to medical care, which for many was essential as they suffered from pre-existing conditions made worse by the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean or suffered injuries during the crossing. Migrants in detention facilities often lacked adequate access to sanitation, fostering the spread of diseases not seen elsewhere in Italy. Italy also has an agreement with Libya allowing Libya to intercept migrants within their territorial waters and detain them in Libya, where many are tortured. Several credible allegations of torture are pending against the Italian government, primarily from the Santa Maria Capua Vetere Prison near Naples. Allegations included the director of the prison and several other high-ranking prison officials. During the pandemic, the government closed homeless shelters and soup kitchens where COVID cases were reported, leaving the homeless people who relied on these services without food and shelter during a pandemic. Defamation remains illegal in Italy, and both government officials and everyday citizens used frivolous defamation suits to silence journalists and activists. Trans Italians do not have discrimination protections anywhere in the country and cannot serve openly. Italy guarantees civil unions but not gay marriage and does not recognize foreign gay marriages, unlike most other EU countries with similar policies. Abortion is legal to three months but Catholic hospitals refuse to perform abortions. This is a major obstacle for many women attempting to access abortion as in some areas all hospitals are Catholic.

Democracy - 88

The president is elected by parliament and regional governors, while the prime minister is appointed by the president. The prime minister is usually, but not always, the leader of the majority coalition, and the current prime minister, Mario Draghi, was an independent law professor and not an MP before becoming prime minister. Parliament is directly elected. Elections are free and fair with a strong multi-party system. Organized crime is known to intimidate politicians in certain areas, namely Milan, Naples, and Sicily. LGBT are disenfranchised in many areas.

Freedom - 86

Defamation remains illegal in Italy. Both government officials and everyday people have used frivolous defamation suits to attempt to silence journalists. Journalists are frequently threatened by organized crime in areas that organized crime operates in. The Catholic church receives preferential treatment from the Italian government and most hospitals and almost all private schools are operated by the Catholic church. Italy does not have hate speech laws but hate speech can be used as a motive to prosecute a normal crime as a hate crime. Cannabis is legal for medicinal and “industrial” purposes though it is strictly regulated. Industrial cannabis permits can sometimes be obtained through corruption. All other drugs are illegal in Italy. Italy shall issue gun ownership licenses for semi-automatic rifles and handguns. Italy shall issue home defense permits. In 2021 Italy banned fur farming and ordered all mink farms shut down by 2022.

Economy - 81

Health - 100

Italy has a life expectancy of 82 years and an infant mortality rate of 0.24%. 19.9% of Italians are obese and 2.5% are malnourished. Italian healthcare is world-class and free but usually lacks air-conditioning. 99% of Italians have access to clean, running water.

Corruption - 32

Industrial marijuana permits can sometimes be purchased through corruption. Lawsuits are often subject to bribery in Italy and low-level courts often accept bribes. Courts, especially land courts, often demand bribes to avoid delays, which are rampant across the entire Italian justice system. Police extortion is common in certain parts of the country and police in certain areas have ties to organized crime. Permits are near impossible to obtain without bribery. Tax officials regularly extort bribes to eliminate extra fees or avoid delays. In addition, tax fraud is common in Italy. Italy is one of the easiest countries in the EU for goods smuggling and is a major source of illegal goods smuggled from North Africa into the rest of the EU. The largely consolidated Italian steel industry is being investigated for corruption. Italian steel firms are being accused of bribing MPs to turn a blind eye to the illegal disposal of refinery runoff. Several firms are also being investigated for willful environmental destruction.

Competency - 61

The government is failing to protect and provide for migrants, instead allowing migrants held in detention facilities to live in squalor while the slow and corrupt Italian justice system processes their applications for asylum. The government is failing to eliminate corruption, operating one of the most corrupt bureaucratic systems in the European Union. The government is also failing to control the economy, which has been in a tailspin for over a decade.

Future - 40

Italy’s future looks uncertain as increasing political instability and a global pandemic kicked an already fragile economy while it was down. The political division has made any real economic reform a near impossibility and has served to further cripple the Italian economy. Italy’s political division shows no signs of lessening and is likely to get worse in coming years as political positions become more extreme.

Actions Abroad - 65

Italy is a full member of the EU and NATO but has been criticized as a member of both for failing to pull its own weight. Italy’s lack of financial contributions has drawn criticism from larger donors to both organizations claiming that Italy is a leech to both organizations. Italy blocked a shipment of 250,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines intended for Australia. Italy recognizes and has a close relationship with the National Transitional Council of Libya and supported the reunification of Libya. Italy has an agreement with Libya to intercept migrants and return them to Libya from Libyan territorial waters. Migrants intercepted by the Libyan government are often tortured upon their return to Libya. Italy generally has neutral relations with most countries.

1.4% of Italians live under the international poverty line and 8.4% live below the national poverty line. 9.2% of Italians are unemployed. Italy has an extremely low economic disparity. The minimum wage is determined on a case-by-case basis and contracts for employment must be approved by the government. Italy has an excellent universal healthcare system, noted for the consistently high quality of care throughout the country. One notable complaint was that most hospitals lacked air conditioning, even those in major cities. The Italian economy shrunk 8.9% in 2020 and grew 0.3% in 2019.